Nutriplant® AG is a foliar nutritional supplement to enhance crop growth. The genetic potential for a crop is rarely reached due to stresses encountered during the growing season. Plants are more vulnerable and use more nutrients at particular stages of development.

Nutriplant® AG is designed to be applied at these particular stages of crop development, to strengthen the plant against everyday environmental stress, leading to better yields and improved quality.

Average Yield Increase is 15% (although results will vary)

Tested for Over 27 Years in Over 2000 Trials!

Shake well before using. Spray diluted Nutriplant® AG evenly on foliage using any conventional spraying equipment. For best results, apply in evening or early morning. Avoid applying product under windy conditions. Heavy rain or overhead irrigation within 24 hours of application may reduce product effectiveness.

Applications Rate: Apply Nutriplant® AG at 8 to 20 fl oz/acre, depending on crop.

Application Timing: Make 1 to 4 applications, depending on crop.

To co-apply with herbicides, pesticides or fertilizers, dilute 1 part Nutriplant® AG with 5 parts water prior to mixing with pre-diluted chemicals. Apply as direct above. A small test area should be treated prior to large scale mixing to determine that no phytotoxicity or undesirable effects occur.
Nutriplant® AG contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, boron, cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum and zinc. Nitrogen and boron are essential for bud vigor and fruit set. Nitrogen and zinc are needed for fruit size. Phosphorus hastens maturity and improves fruit quality, while potassium improves fruit color and increases cold hardiness. Sulfur is needed for flavor and protein synthesis. Cobalt increases resistance to stress, and copper contributes to color and flavor development. Iron promotes flowering and fruit set. Manganese aids in sugar metabolism, and molybdenum is involved in transport of phosphorus, a very important element in energy transport and storage. The synergism of all of these elements makes Nutriplant® AG effective.

Nutriplant AG is intended as a supplement to a regular fertilizer program, and will not by itself provide all of the nutrients normally required by plants.

Store Nutriplant® AG at a temperature between 110°F and freezing. Keep container tightly closed. Do not store diluted product. Do not store in direct sunlight.
  • Increased resistance to stress
  • Improved quality
  • Increased yields
  • Earlier maturity
  • Easy to apply
  • Cost-effective


Give us a call for a quote! 816-716-5786